Professional Writing, Freelance Journalism and Media Outreach
Web pages and blog content
Need pages, articles, blog posts and other content created or proofread for your website? What's better than having a professional writer/reporter with SEO knowledge write it for you?
Professional press releases attract interest, drive traffic and connect with journalists
I've got your back from a professional news reporter's perspective with the experience and media-relations insights that make a difference. Professional press releases written in the style and language that members of the media recognize and speak will help get you noticed for your news, expertise and professionalism. Posted to your website they will also boost your search-engine optimization efforts, as the content is relevant, timely and highly searchable. Contact me about how I may be able to help you garner interviews with print and broadcast media through the creation/distribution of affordable professional press releases and other media outreach.
Freelance journalism is my specialty, with more than 1,200 published newspaper and magazine articles and counting*
My experience includes six years as a steady correspondent for The Virginian-Pilot newspaper, with three of those years as the main cover-story (feature) writer for the "Home" section. Other repeat gigs include writing for the annual-report magazines of local cities, counties and large organizations, reporting for Inside Business news journal, occasional articles for other magazines and publications and important marketing/writing projects for well-respected advertising agencies. In addition, I frequently write guest columns for Inside Business and other publications, and I authored the book A History of Optometry in Tidewater, Virginia upon request by the Tidewater Optometric Association.
References abound. Just ask:
*Integrity for hire, but not for sale
As a professional, I do not cross the sacred line between real news reporting and marketing. (Didn't know there was one? You really need me!) In other words, I can be trusted not to approach a news outlet or editor as both reporter and PR/marketing representative. When I'm hired to help a company with media outreach, I do not try to play the other side of the line by approaching an editor as a freelance reporter with an independent story idea. Not only is my name attached to everything I do, so are my values and principles. Honesty, integrity and ethical behavior rule in my world.