Segment #1, Local Tiffany Boyle, candidate for Newport News Commissioner of the Revenue, followed by segment #2, former U.S. Senator Jim DeMint, with an intriguing look at organizing the very first Article Five Convention of States in America’s history. DeMint will lay some educational and thought-provoking foundation leading up to a Convention of the States debate forum to be hosted by the Virginia Beach Tea Party Wednesday evening, Nov. 1. Free and open to the public; registration required at the VBTP's Eventbrite page. |
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Nora Firestone shares pro-American political insights and more live on the air Thursday afternoons, from 1:00 until 2:00 Eastern time, on Freedom 1110 AM, WKQA radio in Hampton Roads, Virginia. Nora's bio here. Call in with questions during the live broadcast: 757-222-3705.
To sponsor The Nora Firestone show, please call 757-967-7174 or click here to request pricing details. On Demand:
December 2020
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